

公司在近70年的发展历程中,从我国东北到西北、再到改革开放前沿阵地华南,足迹遍布神州大地和海外,所到之处建起了一片片厂房,立起了一座座高塔,创下了一次次业绩,立下了一座座丰碑,高标准建成了一大批重点工程项目。先后建成近千余套大中型装置,为我国的石油化工事业发展做出了突出贡献。用双手托起了共和国石油化工的“长子” 兰州石化,创造了共和国石油化工的多个第一。2006年公司率先走向“海外”,为中石化炼化工程海外业务发展立下丰碑,承建的沙特拉比格千万吨炼油项目获国家优质工程银质奖,是中国石化首个获国家级大奖的境外项目,打出了 “SINOPEC”品牌。近年来,公司在境外承建的中东最大炼厂科威特新炼厂项目在服务地方社会经济发展的同时提升了企业知名度,在海外“擦亮”了中国品牌;国内承建的湛江中科炼化一体化项目高标准中交获得业主等单位一致好评。

During 70 years development, from china northeast to northwest, then to south china (the forefront of Reform and opening up), form china to abroad, SFCC has built massive plants, erected plenty of towers, gained numerous achievement and monuments, and built many significant projects with high standard. It has built nearly a thousand sets of large and medium-sized plants, which made outstanding contributions to the development of China's petrochemical industry. With both hands, he held up Lanzhou Petrochemical, the "eldest son" of China petrochemical industry, creating a number of The First in the industry. In 2006, SFCC stepped out in advance to the international market, and set up a monument for SEG overseas development. The 10 Million t/a Saudi Rabigh Refinery Project won Sliver Prize of National Excellent Project, which is the first national prize for SINOPEC overseas projects. In recent years, KNPC AL-ZOUR REFINERY PROJECT, the largest refinery in the Middle East, served the local social and economic development, raised company reputation and increased Chinese brand. Zhanjiang Zhongke Refining & Chemical Integrated Project in domestic market has been highly praised by client.